
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Istilah-istilah yang terdapat di Industri Telekomunikasi

Berikut ini istilah-istilah yang sering kita temui di industri telekomunikasi :

16QAM  :     Quadrature Amplitude Modulation                                                                           
3GPP     :       Third Generation Partnership Project                                                                      
3GPP2   :       Third Generation Partnership Project No. 2                                                                
8-PSK    :       Octagonal Phase Shift Keying                                                                              
AAA        :       Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting                                                              
AAL        :       ATM Adaptation Layer                                                                                      
ABR        :       Available Bit Rate                                                                                        
AC          :       Admission Control                                                                                         
ACM       :       Address Complete Message                                                                                   
ACTS     :       Advanced Communications Technology and Services                                                           
ACTS     :       FRAMES ACTS Future Radio Wideband Multiple Access System                                                  
AGCH    :       Access Grant CHannel                                                                                      
AH          :       Authentication Header                                                                                      
AICH      :       Acquisition Indication CHannel                                                                            
AK           :       An anonymity key                                                                                           
AKA        :       Authentication and Key Agreement                                                                          
AM          :       Acknowledged Mode                                                                                          
AM-SAP                 :       Acknowledged Mode SAP                                                                                     
AMC       :       Adaptive Modulation and Coding                                                                             
AMF        :       Authentication Management Field                                                                           
AMPS     :       American Mobile Phone System                                                                               
AMR       :       Adaptive Multi Rate                                                                                       
AOA        :       Angle Of Arrival                                                                                          
AP           :       Access Point; Application Part                                                                            
API          :       Application Programming Interface                                                                         
APN        :       Access Point Name                                                                                         
ARIB       :       Association of Radio Industries and Business                                                              
AS           :       Application Server                                                                                         
ATD        :       Absolute Time Difference                                                                                  
ATM        :       Asynchronous Transfer Mode                                                                                 
AuC        :       Authentication Centre                                                                                     
AUTN     :       An authentication token                                                                                   
AUTS     :       An authentication key in re-synchronisation                                                               
AV           :       Authentication Vector                                                                                     
BC          :       BroadCast                                                                                                 
BCCH    :       Broadcast Control CHannel                                                                                 
BCFE     :       Broadcast Control Function Entity                                                                         
BCH       :       Broadcast CHannel                                                                                          
BER Bit :       Error Rate                                                                                                
BGCF     :       Breakout Gateway Control Function                                                                          
BICC      :       Bearer Independent Call Control                                                                           
BMC       :       Broadcast/Multicast Control                                                                                
BML        :       Business Management Layer                                                                                 
BMP       :       BitMap Picture                                                                                             
BS           :       Base Station                                                                                              
BSC        :       Base Station Controller                                                                                    
BSS        :       Base Station Subsystem; Basic Service Set                                                                 
BSSI       :       Base Station Subsystem Identifier                                                                          
BSSMAP               :       Base Station Subsystem MAP                                                                                
BTS Base :      Station Transceiver Station                                                                               
CA          :       Certification Authority                                                                                   
CA-ICH :       CPCH Assignment Indication CHannel                                                                        
CAMEL :       Customised Application for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic                                                  
CAP        :       CAMEL Application Part                                                                                    
CAPEX :       CAPital EXpenditure                                                                                       
CBR        :       Constant Bit Rate                                                                                         
CC          :       Country Code; Call Control                                                                                
CCA       :       Clear Channel Assignment                                                                                  
CCCH    :       Common Control CHannel                                                                                     
CCF        :       Charging Collection Function                                                                              
CCH       :       Communication CHannel                                                                                     
CCK       :       Complementary Code Keying                                                                                 
CCPCH                 :       Common Control Physical CHannel                                                                           
CD-ICH :       Collision Detection Indicator CHannel                                                                     
CDMA Code :       Division Multiple Access
CDR       :               Charging Data Record
CF           :               Connection Frame
CFN        :               Connection Frame Number
CFP        :               Connection Free Period
CGF        :               Charging Gateway Function
CGI         :               Cell Global Identity
CGW      :               Charging GateWay
CI            :               Cell Identity
CK          :               Ciphering Key
CLP        :               Cell Loss Priority
CLPC     :               Closed Loop Power Control
CM          :               Code Management; Communication Management;
CN          :               Core Network
COMC    :               COMmunication Control
COPS     :               Common Open Policy Service
CP          :               Contention Period;Content Provider
CPC       :               Centralised Power Control
CPCH    :               Common Packet CHannel
CPICH   :               Common PIlot CHannel
CPM       :               Continuous Power Mode
CQI         :               Channel Quality Indication
CRC       :               Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRNC    :               Controlling RNC
C-RNTI   :               Cell RNTI
CS          :               Circuit Switched; Coding Scheme; Convergence Sublayer
CS-MGW               :               Circuit Switched Media GateWay
CSCF     :               Call Session Control Function
CSE        :               CAMEL Service Environment
CSICH   :               CPCH Status Indicator CHannel
CSMA/CA :            Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSPDN :               Circuit Switched Public Data Network
CTCH     :               Common Traffic CHannel
CTS        :               Client To Server
CW         :               Call Waiting; Carrier Wave; Continuous Wave
CWTS    :               China Wireless Telecommunication Standard Group
DBPSK :               Differential Binary Phase Shift Key
DCCH    :               Dedicated Control CHannel
DCF        :               Distributed Coordination Function
DCFE     :               Dedicated Control Function Entity
DCH       :               Dedicated CHannel
DCH-FP                 :               DCH Frame Protocol
DES        :               Data Encryption Standard
DGPS     :               Differential GPS
DHCP    :               Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DiffServ:                Differentiated Services
DIFS       :               DCF InterFrame Space
DL           :               DownLink
DNS       :               Domain Name Server
DoS        :               Denial of Service
DPCCH                 :               Dedicated Physical Communication CHannel
DPCH    :               Dedicated Physical CHannel
DPDCH                 :               Dedicated Physical Data CHannel
D-RNTI   :               Drift RNC Radio Network Temporary Identity
DQPSK :               Differential QPSK
DRNC    :               Drifting RNC
DRX        :               Discontinuous Reception
DS-CDMA :           Direct Sequence CDMA
DSCH    :               Downlink Shared CHannel
DSCH-RNTI :        DSCH Radio Network Temporary Identity
DSCP     :               Differentiated Services Code Point
DSL        :               Digital Subscriber Line
DSSS     :               Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DS-WCDMA-FDD :              DS Wideband CDMA Frequency Division Duplex
DS-WCDMA-TDD :              DS Wideband CDMA Time Division Duplex
DTCH     :               Dedicated Traffic CHannel
DTX        :               Discontinuous Transmission
E-GPRS                 :               Enhanced GPRS
E-OTD    :               Enhanced Observed Time Difference
E1           :               E1 system; European Digital Signal 1
E2E        :               e2e End-to-End
ECT        :               Explicit Call Transfer
EDGE     :               Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution
EIR          :               Equipment Identity Register
EMC       :               ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EML        :               Element Management Layer
ESP        :               Encapsulation Security Payload
ETSI       :               European TelecommunicationS Institute
FACCH :               Fast Association Control CHannel
FACH     :               Forward Access CHannel
FBI          :               FeedBack Information
FCH        :               Frequency correction CHannel
FDD        :               Frequency Division Duplex
FDMA     :               Frequency Division Multiple Access
FER        :               Frame Error Rate
FH-CDMA :           Frequency Hopping CDMA
FHSS     :               Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FM          :               Fault Management
FPS        :               Fast Packet Scheduling
FPLMTS                :               Future Public Land Mobile Telephony System
FR           :               Frequency Reuse
FRAMES ACTS :  Future Radio Wideband Multiple Access System
FRESH   :               A one-time random number chosen by the RNC
FW          :               FireWall
GERAN GSM/EDGE: Radio Access Network
GGSN    :               Gateway GPRS Support Node
GIF          :               Graphic Interchange Format (image file)
GMLC    :               Gateway Mobile Location Centre
GMM      :               GPRS Mobility Management
GMSC    :               Gateway MSC
GMSK    :               Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPRS     :               General Packet Radio Service
GPS        :               Global Positioning System
GRX        :               GPRS Roaming Exchange
GSM       :               Global System for Mobile communication
GSMS    :               GPRS SMS
GT           :               Global Title
GTD        :               Geometric Time Difference
GTP        :               GPRS Tunnelling Protocol
HARQ     :               Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest
HCS       :               Hierarchical Cell Structure
HDLC     :               High-level Data Link Control
HEC       :               Header Error Control
HFN        :               HyperFrame Number
HLR        :               Home Location Register
HM-CDMA :          Hybrid Modulation CDMA
HO          :               HandOver
HON       :               HandOver Number
HS-DPCCH:         High Speed DPCCH
HS-DSCH :           High Speed DSCH
HS-DSCH-FP :     High Speed DSCH Frame Protocol
HS-PDSCH   :       High Speed PDSCH             
HS-SCCH    :    High Speed SCCH                  
HSCSD    :    High Speed Circuit Switched Data 
HSDPA    :    High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSS           :    Home Subscriber Server            
HSUPA    :            High Speed Uplink Packet Access                 
HTML       :             HyperText Markup Language         
HTTP         :            HyperText Transfer Protocol            
HW            :            HardWare                            
I-CSCF   :               Interrogating CSCF
I/O           :               Input/Output
IA            :               Interception Area
IAM         :               Initial Address Message
IBSS       :               Independent Basic Service Set
ICC         :               Integrated Circuit Card
IEEE       :               Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETF        :               Internet Engineering Task Force
IFS          :               InterFrame Space
IK            :               Integrity Key
IKE          :               Internet Key Exchange
IM            :               IP Multimedia
IMA         :               Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
IMEI        :               International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMEISV   :               IMEI and Software Version
IMPI IP : Multimedia Private Identity
IMPU      :               IP Multimedia Public User identity
IMS         :               IP Multimedia System
IMS-MGW :            IMS Media GateWay
IMS-SF   :               IMS Switching Function
IMSI        :               International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMT         :               International Mobile Telephony
IN            :               Intelligent Network
IP            :               Internet Protocol
IPDL       :               Idle Period DownLink
IPSec     :               IP Security
IPSP       :               IP Signalling Point
IRC         :               Internet Relay Chat
ISCP       :               Interference Signal Code Power
ISDN      :               Integrated Services Digital Network
ISHO      :               InterSystem HandOver
ISIM        :               IMS Identity Module
ISM         :               Industrial, Scientific and Medical
ISO         :               International Organization for Standardization
ISUP       :               ISDN User Part
ITU          :               International Telecommunication Union
JPEG      :               Joint Photographic Experts Group (format for image compression)
LA           :               Location Area
LAC        :               Location Area Code
LAI          :               Location Area Identity
LAN        :               Local Area Network
LCS        :               LoCation Service
LDP        :               Label Distribution Protocol
LIF-MLP :               LIF Mobile Location Protocol
LMU       :               Location Measurement Unit
LOS        :               Line Of Sight
LSP        :               Label Switched Path
LSR        :               Label Switching Router
M3UA     :               MTP3 User Adaptation
MAC       :               Medium Access Control; Message Authentication Code
MAC-I     :               A message authentication code for integrity protection
MAC-S   :               A message authentication code for re-synchronisation
MAP       :               Mobile Application Part
MAPSec                :               MAP Security
MC-CDMA :          MultiCarrier CDMA
MCC       :               Mobile Country Code
MCS       :               Modulation Coding Scheme
ME          :               Mobile Equipment
MEHO    :               Mobile Evaluated HandOver
MGCF    :               Media Gateway Control Function
MGCP    :               Media Gateway Control Protocol
MGW      :               Media GateWay
MIB         :               Master Information Block
MM         :               Mobility Management
MMS       :               Multimedia Messaging Service
MNC       :               Mobile Network Code
MO          :               Mobile Originated (Originating)
MOBC    :               MOBility Control
MOC       :               Mobile Originated (Originating) Call
MPDU    :               MAC Protocol Data Unit
MPLS     :               Multi Protocol Label Switching
MRC       :               Maximum Ratio Combining
MRFC     :               Multimedia Resource Function Controller
MRFP     :               Multimedia Resource Function Processor
MS          :               Mobile Station
MSC       :               Mobile service Switching Centre
MSIN      :               Mobile Subscriber Identification Number
MSISDN                :               Mobile Subscriber ISDN
MSN       :               Mobile Subscription Number
MSRN    :               Mobile Station Subscriber Roaming Number
MT          :               Mobile Terminated (Terminating)
MT          :               Mobile Termination
MTC       :               Mobile Terminated (Terminating) Call
MTP-3B                 :               Message Transfer Part-3B (Broadcast)
MTP3     :               Message Transfer Part Layer 3
MTU       :               Maximum Transmission Unit
N-ISDN :               Narrowband ISDN
NAS        :               Network Application Server; Non Access Stratum
NAV        :               Network Allocation Vector
NBAP     :               Node B Application Protocol
NDC       :               National Destination Code
NE          :               Network Element
NEHO    :               Network Evaluated HandOver
NEL        :               Network Element Layer
NLOS     :               Non Line Of Sight
NMC       :               Network Management Centre
NML       :               Network Management Layer
NMS       :               Network Management Subsystem
NMT       :               Nordic Mobile Telephone
NRT        :               Non Real Time
NSS        :               Network SubSystem
NT           :               Network Termination
O&M       :               Operation and Maintenance
OCS       :               Online Charging System
OFDMA  :               Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OHG       :               Operator Harmonisation Unit
OLPC     :               Open Loop Power Control
OMA       :               Open Mobile Alliance
OMC       :               Operation and Management Centre
OPEX     :               Operation and Maintenance EXpenditure
OSA        :               Open Service Architecture
OSA/SCS :            OSA/Service Capability Server
OSI         :               Open System Interconnection
OTD        :               Observed Time Difference
OTDOA  :               Observed Time Difference Of Arrival
PA           :               Paging Area
PACCH :               Packet Access Control CHannel
PAGCH :               Packet Access Grant CHannel
PAR        :               Peak Average Rate
PBCC     :               Packet Binary Convolution Code
PBS        :               Physical Bearer Service
PC          :               Power Control
PCCH    :               Paging Control CHannel
P-CCPCH :           Primary CCPCH
PCF        :               Point Coordination Function
PCH       :               Paging CHannel
PCM       :               Pulse Code Modulation
PCPCH :               Physical Communication Packet Channel
PCS        :               Personal Communication System
P-CSCF                 :               Proxy CSCF
PD          :               Protocol Discriminator
PDC       :               Pacific Digital Communications
PDCP     :               Packet Data Convergence Protocol
PDF        :               Policy Decision Function
PDH       :               Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PDP        :               Packet Data Protocol
PDSCH :               Physical Downlink Shared CHannel
PDTCH :               Packet Data Traffic CHannel
PDU       :               Packet Data Unit; Protocol Data Unit
PGP        :               Pretty Good Privacy
PICH      :               Paging Indicator CHannel
PIFS       :               Point coordination function IFS
PKI          :               Public Key Infrastructure
PLMN     :               Public Land Mobile Network
PLMN-ID :             PLMN Identity
PM          :               Performance Management
PMM       :               Packet MM
PN          :               Pseudo Noise
PNCE     :               Paging and Notification Control Entity
PNG       :               Portable Network Graphics
POC       :               PSTN Originated (Originating) Call
PoC        :               Push to talk over Cellular
PPCH     :               Packet Paging CHannel
PPP        :               Point-to-Point Protocol
PRACH :               Packet Random Access CHannel
PRACK :               Provisional Response ACKnowledgement
PRN        :               Pseudo-Random Numerical
PS           :               Packet Switched; Packet Scheduler
P-SCH   :               Primary SCH
PSM       :               Power Save Mode
PSPDN :               Packet Switched Public Data Network
PSTN     :               Public Switched Telephone Network
PT           :               Payload Type
PTC        :               PSTN Terminated (Terminating) Call
P-TMSI   :               Packet TMSI
QoS        :               Quality of Service
QPSK     :               Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RA           :               Routing Area; Receiver Address
RAB        :               Radio Access Bearer
RAC        :               Routing Area Code
RACE     :               Research in Advanced Communications in Europe
RACH     :               Random Access CHannel
RADIUS                 :               Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
RAI          :               Routing Area Identity
RAN        :               Radio Access Network
RANAP :               RAN Application Part
RAND     :               A random (authentication) challenge
RAP        :               Random Access Procedure
RAU        :               Routing Area Update
RES        :               An authentication response
RFC        :               Request For Comment
RFE        :               Routing Function Entity
RL           :               Radio Link
RLC        :               Radio Link Control
RLC-SQN :            RLC SeQuence Number
RNBP     :               Reference Node Based Positioning
RNC       :               Radio Network Controller
RNS        :               Radio Network Subsystem
RNSAP :               Radio Network Subsystem Application Part
RNTI       :               Radio Network Temporary Identity
ROHC    :               RObust Header Compression
RR           :               Radio Resource
RRC        :               Radio Resource Control
RRM       :               Radio Resource Management
RSVP     :               ReSerVation Protocol
RT           :               Radio Termination; Real Time
RTD        :               Relative Time Difference
RTP        :               Real Time Protocol
RTS        :               Request To Send
RTT         :               Round Trip Time
Rx           :               Receiving
S-CCPCH :           Secondary Communication Control Physical CHannel
S-MIME :               Secured Multipurpose Internal Mail Extension
S-RNTI   :               SRNC Radio Network Temporary Identity
S-SCH   :               Secondary SCH
SA           :               Security Association
SAC        :               Service Area Code
SACCH :               Slow Associated Control CHannel
SAI          :               Service Area Identity
SAP        :               Service Access Point
SAR        :               Segmentation And Re-assembly
SAW       :               Stop And Wait
SB           :               Scheduling Block
SBLP      :               Service Based Local Policy
SCCP     :               Signalling Connection Control Part
SCH       :               Synchronisation CHannel
SCCH    :               Synchronisation Control CHannel
SCI         :               Subscriber Controlled Input
SCR        :               System Chip Rate
SCS        :               Service Capability Server
SCTP     :               Stream Control Transport Protocol
SDCCH                 :               Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel
SDH       :               Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDP        :               Session Description Protocol
SDU       :               Signalling Data Unit
SEG        :               SEcurity Gateway
SF           :               Spreading Factor
SFN        :               System Frame Number
SGSN     :               Serving GPRS Support Node
SGW       :               Signalling GateWay
SHA-1    :               Secure Hash Algorithm #1
SIB          :               System Information Block
SIFS       :               Short IFS
SIGTRAN :             Special Interest Group TRAN
SIM         :               Subscriber Identity Module
SIP          :               Session Initiation Protocol
SLA        :               Service Level Agreement
SLF         :               Subscription Locator Function
SML        :               Service Management Layer
SMLC     :               Serving Mobile Location Centre
SMS       :               Short Message Service
SMSC    :               Short Message Service Centre
SN          :               Serving Network
SN          :               Subscriber Number
SNR        :               Serial NumbeR
SPC        :               Signalling Point Code
SQN       :               SeQuence Number
SRB        :               Signalling Radio Bearer
SRNC     :               Serving RNC
SS           :               Supplementary Service
SS7        :               Signalling System #7
SSDT     :               Site Selective DiversiTy
SSL        :               Secure Socket Layer
STM        :               Synchronous Transport Module
SVN        :               Software VersioN
SW          :               SoftWare
TA           :               Timing Advance; Transmitter Address
TAC        :               Type Allocation Code
TCAP     :               Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TCH        :               Traffic CHannel
TCP        :               Transmission Control Protocol
TDD        :               Time Division Duplex
TDM       :               Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA     :               Time Division Multiple Access
TDOA     :               Time Difference Of Arrival
TE           :               Terminal Eequipment
TEID       :               Tunnel Endpoint IDentifier
TFCI       :               Transport Format Combination Indicator
TFRC      :               Transport Format and Resource Combination
TFRI        :               Transport Format and Resource Indicator
TH-CDMA :           Time Hopping CDMA
THIG       :               Topology Hiding Inter-network Gateway
TI             :               Standardisation Committee of TI Communications
TI             :               Transaction Identifier
TLS         :               Transport Layer Security
TMN       :               Telecommunications Management Network
TM-SAP                 :               Transparent Mode SAP
TMSI       :               Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TOA        :               Time Of Arrival
TPC        :               Transmission Power Command; Transmit Power Control
Tr            :               Transparent mode
TRAU     :               Transcoding and Rate Adaptation Unit
TRX        :               Transmitter–Receiver
TTA         :               Telecommunications Technology Association
TTC        :               Telecommunications Technology Committee
TTI          :               Transmission Time Interval
TTP         :               Traffic Termination Point
Tx            :               Transmitting
U-RNTI   :               UTRAN Radio Network Temporary Identity
UA          :               User Agent
UBR        :               Unspecified Bit Rate
UDP       :               User Datagram Protocol
UE          :               User Equipment
UICC      :               Universal Integrated Circuit Card
UL           :               UpLink
UM          :               Unacknowledged Mode
UM-SAP                :               Unacknowledged Mode SAP
UMSC    :               UMTS Mobile service Switching Centre
UMTS     :               Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UNI         :               User Network Interface
UNII        :               Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
URA        :               UTRAN Registration Area
USAT     :               UMTS SIM Application Toolkit
USIM      :               Universal Subscriber Identity Module
UTRA     :               Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
UTRAN :               UMTS Terrestrial Access Network
UWB       :               Ultra WideBand
VAS        :               Value Added Service
VBR        :               Variable Bit Rate
VC          :               Virtual Channel
VCI         :               Virtual Channel Identifier
VLR        :               Visitor Location Register
VMS       :               Voice Mail System
VMSC    :               Visited MSC
VoIP       :               Voice over IP
VP           :               Virtual Path
VPI          :               Virtual Path Identifier
VPN        :               Virtual Public Network
VSF        :               Variable Switching Function
WAP       :               Wireless Application Protocol
WCDMA                :               Wideband CDMA
WEP       :               Wired Equivalent Privacy
Wi-Fi       :               Wireless Fidelity Alliance
WLAN    :               Wireless LAN
WML       :               Wireless Markup Language
WRC       :               World Radiocommunication Conference
WTLS     :               Wireless Transport Layer Security
XHTML :               Extended HTML
XMAC    :               An expected MAC value
XRES     :               An expected RES value

Referensi : UMTS Network Architecture Documentation