
Friday, November 29, 2013

Performance and Tuning

Performance and Tuning adalah metodologi untuk memaksimalkan throughput dan meminimalkan waktu respon dari pekerjaan batch, transaksi online, dan aktivitas internet

Lima area infrastruktur yang paling dipengaruhi oleh Performance and Tuning adalah:
  1. server
  2. penyimpanan Disk
  3. database
  4. jaringan
  5. komputer Desktop

Berikut ini Prioritized characteristics untuk performance and tuning proces owner

Knowledge of system software and components
Knowledge of network software and components
Knowledge of software and configuration
Knowledge of hardware and configuration
Ability to think and act tactically
Knowledge of applications
Ability to work effectively with developer
Knowledge of desktop hardware & software
Knowledge of power and airconditioning

 Server environment  :
  •     CPU
  •     Main memory
  •     Cache memory
  •     Number and size of buffers
  •      Ukuran  swap space 
  •    Jumlah dan tipe  channels 

Performance server metrics :
          Prosentase utilisasi CPU
          Frekwensi   swapping in out out dari main memory
          Prosentase  hits ke  cache main memory
          Panjang  dan durasi  dari processing queues
          Prosentase  Utilisasi dari  channel
          Jumlah overhead processor yang digunakan untuk memastikan performance

Disk Storage environment :
  • Cache memory
  • Volume groups
  • Striping
  • Storage area networks
  • Network-attacked storage
  • Extents
  • Fragmentation

Database Environment :

  • Placement of table files
  • Initialization parameter
  • Placement of data files
  • Indexes and keys
  • Locks
  • Balance of system resources
  • Access patterns
  • Database Fragmentation.

Network Environment :
  • Bandwidth
  • Line speed
  • Protocols
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Number of retries
  • Nonstandard interface
  • Broadcast storms

Desktop Computer Environment
  • Processors
  • Memory
  • Disk storage space
  • Network connections
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Administrative tools

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